Foods to Boost Your Libido and Stamina
For thousands of years mankind has been obsessed with aphrodisiacs. Pairs ate wine-packed lily flowers in ancient Egypt to fuel their enthusiasm. Since then, some aphrodisiacs, such as cobra, seabula, ants, nesting birds, or the secretions of the blister beetles, had been rather less pleasant and sometimes even harmful. Some of the aphrodisiacs have caused priceless animals like the tiger and black rhinocéros to nearly disappear.

 Most aphrodisiacs proven unnecessary, but the search for the ultimate love potion doesn't prevent mankind. Fortunately, your libido, power, enthusiasm, and anything hazardous, illegal or disagreeable, or plainly dumb, can be strengthened in a number of respects. Nature has provided us with many well-known ingredients.

Foods to Boost Your Libido and Stamina #infographic

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